So, God has a way of working things out in ways we can't possibly imagine or re-create ourselves.
Last time I posted about my awesome new job and I was so excited about the new opportunities and fresh perspective. Not long after that post things in Awesome-ville rapidly unraveled. My new job soured at a quick rate. The promises made to me when I was hired were shelved and new duties were assigned. I began doing a job I didn't apply for and wasn't being trained for. I had a manager than went on long-term sick leave days after she was hired, I had a company owner trying to but a positive spin on the mess she was creating, and I had an HR department that still wasn't providing me with concrete details of my new role and - it's sales - my new goals.
I was getting anxious about how things were working out. Two months in and the job I was so excited about had shifted to a really bad deal. It was probably the most expensive job I ever had. We had to purchase a car for my travel. Granted ,the company did partially reimburse me for mileage. The health insurance was outrageously expensive and amazingly bad. A prescription that used to cost me $10 cost $45 under the new plan. Doctor visit co-pays jumped too. And, I thank all the is good no one was hospitalized during my stint there.
Every expense report I submitted was commented upon and returned by the company bean counter.
"This hotel is $20 over the approved nightly cost." To which I replied, "The company owner stayed there and it was her I was meeting with."
"You are not allowed to expense a protective phone case." To which I replied, "It was $7. And, it is to protect the new iPhone you issued."
In the end, I would issue a payment to American Express for whatever charges the bean counter deemed inappropriate. We haggled once over 48 cents. 48 cents!
While my new world was crumbling I got word that a specialist at my old company had resigned after accepting a position with a competitor in her area of specialty. I told myself I would not call. I would not inquire. I had made my choice and I had to accept what I had chosen.That said, I welled up with tears of reliefs when I received a text message about 3 weeks later from my old boss.
"Would you be interested in a conversation about the specialist role just vacated?"
Through tears, I coolly replied, "I am always up for a conversation."
The following day the manager of the specialists called me. I know him well because he was in my rookie class back in 2001. We talked about the role and the territory it would cover. I was interested but remembered the last interview process I went through.
I said, "This all sounds great. And this is a position I would love to have. But, to be honest, I am really not interested in going through another interview process with the company."
He said, "You know, I think we have done enough to you already. I was thinking more along the lines of a conversation and an offer."
I was blown away! "That sounds easy enough! Lets do that! When should we have the conversation?"
"Jen, this IS the conversation!"
So, with a little bit of finagling and an outrageous twist on my career path I find myself back with the crazy I know verses that completely wacky crazy that I was struggling with.
My new role fits me well. I get to work with other reps to help them achieve their goals. I travel a lot which isn't always easy, but I am making it work. I am learning a great deal every single day.
I hesitate to say that I am back in Awesome-ville because I was burned so badly before. But I am enjoying my new job for what it is. I can't predict how long it will last or what the future holds, but for the time being I am content. Finally. Well, mostly content. There is still a restless bit inside me that keeps me on my toes with one eye on the present and one eye on the horizon.