Tuesday, June 4, 2019

You Hairy!

I took an early lunch to get my chipped and peeling nails re-done. The manicurist was ferociously attacking my cuticles while I watched for signs of bleeding that unbelievably never came. As I watched her work, I noticed she was looking at me with an arched eyebrow.

"You want wax?" she asked.

"Wax?" I questioned.

"Your eyebrows. You want wax?"

"Oh! No. Thank you though. No wax today."

She then states, "You need wax. Your eyebrows have long hairs. You hairy girl."

What the? I peer into her eyes under her stubby, over-tweezed brows and again say, "No, thank you" while thinking "I really don't want eyebrows like yours."

She tsk, tsked me and shook her head and gave me a look that said, "I tried to help your face you big hairy ape! Don't come crying when you trip over your brows!"

I tried to not let her get to me but I admit that the first thing I did when I got home was inspect my brows. I found, yes, a couple stray hairs I missed in the tweeze. But, thankfully there were not hairs worthy of braids!

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