Friday, March 21, 2014

My Gnomies

One reason why my daughter wanted to be in girl scouts was because she wanted to have friends like the ones she saw on Girl Scout recruiting posters. And, wanting her to have those friends is why I was game to start a troop. Well, I was apprehensively game. I knew it was going to be a lot of work!

Through our awesome little troop my daughter has been blessed with more than she could have hoped. She not only has the strong friendships she wanted but she also gets to do so many fun things with her sister scouts. She and her friends already have deep bonds and I know in my heart than many of these friendships will last a lifetime. That is so exciting!

My daughter was my focus for getting involved in Girl Scouts. I never imagined that I would also find myself building strong friendships with other moms. That is exactly what has happened. There are five of us moms that have grown quite close. In fact, all the moms in the troop are becoming thick as thieves but there is the core of five that seems to hold everything together.

Of the five "gnomies" - as in "Hanging with my Gnomies" - it is El who I would classify as our leader. She has three older children in addition to her scout so she has been there and done that...and done it again...and again. She is that friend that will tell you straight up how it is whether you want to know or not. I love that about her. With El there is no doubt where you stand. She is also that person you look at and start to laugh at the most inopportune times. It is with her that an uber girl scout will give you the "shame, shame" finger for trying to stifle giggles during the somber reading of financial accounting.

Aye is our lean, mean eating machine! Aye can pack away more food than the rest of us four combined. She is built like a reed! She is tall and so thin I imagine she sways in the wind. Aye has an amazing gift of hospitality. Whether she is planning a class party for 30 or a sleep over for four she does not hold back. She pays attention to each detail and makes every event extra special. Aye could make you feel completely welcome in the most hostile territory. She would have cupcakes and lemonade ready to comfort your weather
beaten soul. I have heard she sings a mean - really terrible - karaoke. I have not experienced it myself yet. It is just a matter of time I am sure. Aye's oldest daughter and my daughter have become peas in the pod...or rather..."the candy coating to each other's M&M's."

Em is also reed thin. If gale force winds swept through the valley Aye and Em would land in Oz. They would be long gone. Em has three children and is finishing up her teaching degree. She is busy yet she is always willing to help whether it be some Girl Scout function or helping a friend move. She will even toss your full-blown trampoline over the roof of her van and drive it to its new home. Em is a mighty force packed into a tiny body. 

Ess is like me. We like to watch the action unfold but not necessarily be a part of it. We wouldn't thrown down punches anymore than we would throw down white sheets in the mud. Ess has a huge heart and thinks of everyone more than herself. She is mom to two blonde haired cuties. Ess works hard as a single mom. She juggles many balls and always with a smile on her face. Actually Ess has a stunning smile that is traffic stopping.

Me? I am just one of the group feeling lucky to have such good friends. I don't think a person can have too many friends. Some may be closer than others but good friends are like a gift. They are wonderful to discover and a blessing to keep.

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